Welcome to CASP India





CASP Bhavan Pashan Baner Link Road, Pashan Pune


 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is CASP?

COMMUNITY AID AND SPONSORSHIP PROGRAM is a premier national organization established in 1975 by Dr. Sharadchandra Gokhale- an eminent social scientist of international repute. CASP is committed to the sustainable development and strengthening of a child, family and community and is able to carry out the work only through the monetary help received from donors.

What Does CASP do?Community Development Program –CASP implement different programs to enhance the capacities of children, families and communities through empowerment, participation and advocacy.

Sponsorship-Sponsorship is a process of supporting a disadvantaged child to achieve the maximum of her potential. Support may be psychological, social or economic and is continued till the child becomes self-sufficient. This could also mean contributing to the child’s community with the aim of providing a conducive environment for the development of the child

Where Does CASP Work?

CASP works through 7 Units all over India i.e. Mumbai Unit, Pune Unit, Pune Rural Unit, Delhi Unit, CASP PLAN Delhi Unit, Raigad Unit, Gujarat Unit and Head office in Pune.

 What is Child Sponsorship?

Sponsorship is an aid given to the underprivileged children for education, for a certain period of time so that they will continue to live with the family. This aid helps the family to bear the educational expenses of child either completely or partially.

What are different criteria for Educational aid to Child?

CASP has defined 3 age groups for providing educational aid; Balwadi (3 to 6 years), Sponsorship (6 to 21 years or completion of 12th std. whichever is earlier) and Scholarship (18 years of age and above till the completion of higher education, or 21 years, whichever is later).

Is Child Sponsorship an Effective Way to Help? 

Sponsors periodically receive detailed reports of the child so that they too can actively participate in the child’s development. Sponsorship is not a monetary transaction but an emotional bond. The creation of a ‘relationship’ between the sponsor, the child and the child’s family is a unique feature of the CASP sponsorship program.

How Can I be sure that the Money I send is managed correctly?

By making home and school visits, conducting interviews of the child and his family and by intermittent follow up, CASP ensures that help is given to the needy child only and also displays financial expenditures in the Annual Reports of CASP.

How Does my Sponsored Child Benefit? 

The sponsored child gets support until he/she completes his/her education in 12th std or reaches till the age 21. CASP also ensures the holistic development of the child and that the child has the necessary skills to earn a living through various vocational trainings.

Why Should I Help a Child Who Lives with his/her Parents? 

It is an important feature of the CASP system of sponsorship is that the child continues to stay with his / her family of some sort (either with parents or other relatives or in foster care) and is NEVER institutionalized.

Does CASP follow any selection process for Sponsorship?

Yes, the child is selected after reference of school authorities, parents, community people, sponsors or the staff of CASP. The Development Promoter visits the child’s home and school and prepares a visit report with recommendations prior to the child being given aid.

Who is Development Promoter (DP)?

DP is an ambassador of CASP to the family/community in which sponsored child/children stay. DP indentifies deserving children for enrolment in the sponsorship program. DP while preparing a new case history ensures that the information is correct and genuine. DP maintains regular contact with the child and regularly updates files on academic progress and important events of a child’s life.

What is the selection Criteria for Sponsorship?

CASP gives preference to girls / orphans / disabled /those with seriously ill parents / single parent / widows. The child MUST be between the ages of 3-14 years and MUST be attending school regularly. The child must have passed the previous annual examination in the first attempt. (Exceptions may be made if the child does not fulfill this criteria due to ill health or some calamity). The child should not be in receipt of any other form of aid from any other agency or individual. The child must live with parents or relatives or guardians. Children living in Hostel are rarely supported in case they are orphans and have no relatives who are willing to support them.  Siblings of the child are not supported under CASPs sponsorship programme.

Can Child Sponsor Ship/ Scholarship be terminated?

Yes, if the child has completed 18 years / 21 years of age or discontinues his education or fails twice in one standard or is not willing. If the socio economic status of the child’s family substantially improves or s/he gets employment and no longer requires Sponsorship.

There is any Continuation Criteria too for Sponsorship? 

Yes, a child can be continued as a special case even after he/she is eligible for termination if the child has demonstrated a good scholastic performance and discontinuing the aid will result in his/her education being disrupted. In case of a girl child, if she is completing last years of higher education. And, finally the financial condition of the family has still not improved.

What is the Communication process of CASP with Sponsors?

The circumstances in which CASP communicates with the sponsor are: –

  1. Appeal for sponsorship
  2. Sharing Case History for approval/information
  3. Receipt and thanks letter after the child is accepted for sponsorship
  4. Sharing Progress reports
  5. Thanks letters from the children – when some gifts/greeting cards are received from the sponsors for their sponsored children
  6. Greetings to the sponsor on their birthday, marriage anniversaries and festivals.
  7. Sending information about special achievements of the children (Apart from regular achievements in school)
  8. Information about accident/death/illness of sponsored child or any other event in the family
  9. Termination of the case
  10. Reminder for sponsorship amount
  11. Sending newsletters and annual report

Who can Sponsor?

Sponsors could be: Indian Sponsors, Indian Group Sponsors, Indian Corporate, Indian Government, Foreign Sponsor, Foreign Groups and Foreign Agencies

What are the Categories of sponsorship?

General, Physically challenged, Mentally challenged, Children of Leprosy affected parents , Orphan Children, Children of prison inmates, Children of seriously ill parents, Child of a single parent who is economically challenged.

What is the Sponsorship amount?

CASP sponsorship amount is Rs. 7,500/ USD 125 per child.  Some sponsors remit the support amount in USD. The general currency rate for USD is considered as Rs.83. Hence the children get Rs. 10,375/- as sponsorship amount. Sometimes more than Rs. 7,500 or Rs. 10,375 are received either because the sponsor remits more funds or currency difference etc. In this case the amount above Rs. 7,500 OR Rs. 10,375 is to be considered as extra aid.

 How Extra Aid is utilized?

If not specified by the sponsor, the aid is utilized for educational aid not covered in the sponsorship aid. If the amount is large and cannot be utilized immediately it may be kept as a Term Deposit in a bank account. This may be utilized for educational purposes in the future.

Am I the Only Sponsor for my Sponsored Child?

Yes, CASP ensures one Child for one Sponsor. And also the child is only eligible for support if aid is not being received from other sources.

Can I Sponsor More than One Child?

Yes, Sponsor can provide sponsorship to more than one child.

How Long Can I Sponsor a Child?

In the normal course, a sponsor is requested to commit to supporting a child for a period of at least five years and preferably till the child completed her / his education.

What if I Cannot Continue my Sponsorship Payments? What Will Happen to the Child?

Sometimes, the sponsor does not continue support till the child completes her education. In this case, CASP immediately finds another sponsor or make the amount available from its own funds.

What are the tax benefits for individual donors?

Donor will get 50% tax exemption under Section 80G of Income Tax Act. For e.g. on 5000/- donation, donor will get 2500 tax exemption.

How can I donate to CASP?

Donation can be made through Cash, Cheque, Net Banking and using debit/credit cards through Payment Gateway.

Will I get receipt for online transaction?

Donor will get Hard copy of any kind of transaction with CASP. In case of emergency, scanned copy of Receipt will be sent to the Donor.

Is it safe to share my card details online?

Yes, all Payments are secured and safe via Payment Gateway.

How secure are my personal details with CASP?

Absolutely, as No personal information related to bank Account is shared with CASP.

Are passport numbers required for NRI donors? Why?

Yes, if the Donor is A Citizen of a Foreign Country. All donations in foreign currency have to be reported to the Government of India.

Can I donate in U.S. Dollars or any other currency?

Yes. If Donations are in foreign currency and received from person having Indian nationality (passport) will be treated as local donation.

Donation from person having foreign nationality (passport) will be treated as foreign funds.  

What if my residential address or contact details change?

Please let us know so we can update in our records.

Will you send me a tax exemption certificate?

Our receipt is and by itself the tax exemption certificate.

How can I contact you regarding my donation? 

You can contact us on the Email id and Contact no. given on the website
