Our Programs

Early Childhood Care and Development
This program primary aims at holistic development of children and capacity building of the care givers. Early childhood care can have a long term impact on a child’s health, moral, values and his overall development.
Few of our activities under this program include
- Training programs for care givers.
- Organizing “Healthy baby show”
- Running crèches for children of construction labors
- Running balwadis, where children are socialized and prepared to attend formal school
- Helping anganwadi in improving the quality of supplementary nutrition to the children

Our primary objective is the development of children. Education is the sole instrument that can help children achieve their position in the globalized world.Sponsorship the flagship program of CASP is a process by which individuals who desire to provide support, are put in contact with children,from underprivileged backgrounds who in the absence of such support would not be able to attain a basic essential education. The CASP model of sponsorship encompasses a development which goes beyond just education. Children are encouraged to participate in sports, drama, music,art and other creative endeavors to develop well rounded personalities.
Some of our other projects are based on the sponsorship model but differ in the fact that the objectives or the funding patterns are tailored to the requirements of the beneficiaries or the donor.
Few of them are:
- Meritorious project for higher education
- Education Sponsorship Assistance
- Ensuring education continues

Health is the primary driver of growth, development and quality of life.We continue to focus on healthcare as one of our core areas.We follow the life cycle approach i.e. all age groups from children in the womb (pregnant mothers) to senior citizens.
Our activities include
- Creating awareness of health issues
- Increasing the uptake of services either from the public or the private sector.
- Organizing health camps
- Supporting people diagnosed with HIV
- Vision problems of children
- Addressing issues of adolescent boys and girls
- Maternal health.

With more than 25% of the share of current Indian population adolescents are currently the most important demographic in the country.We need to be able to utilize their skills, energies and abilities which would help expand our economy many times over.We implement programs that are specifically designed to address their concerns since we realize that this age group is particularly vulnerable.
Few highlights of programs are:
- Increase girl’s safety and access to public spaces
- Increase the active and meaningful participation of girls in urban development and governance
- Addressing issues related to physical and psychological changes during adolescence,sexuality, child birth and contraception, and the difference between love and attraction.
- Workshops on issues such as Life Skills; Peer Pressure and how to withstand it; Growing up; Sexual Abuse; Substance Abuse; Sex& Gender; HIV/AIDS

Senior Citizens
Senior Citizens are an invaluable asset in any society. Elder women are the primary caregivers for children in many communities. Seniors are immense resource of experience and can act as agents of stability in the times of turbulence.
We recognize the importance of seniors within communities and families particularly with reference to children. Far too often seniors in poor communities tend to feel that they are a burden on their families as they are no longer economically productive. They thus wander around the streets or sit outside their homes. They also tend to neglect their health. In order to intervene in this situation CASP implements Senior Citizens Centers with the following objectives:
- To maintain health of elderly people.
- To provide psychological support to elderly people.
- To engage the elderly with current developments.
- Day Care Centers for elderly people.

Community Development
We realize that community hygiene and sanitation are essential to any society. We work towards fostering a desire to keep houses and community clean.
Following are some projects that we work on:
- Water sanitation and hygiene (WASH)
- Water and Environmental sanitation (WES)
- Awareness programs on water conservation, rainwater harvesting, global warming etc.a

Ensuring that the family has a means of earning a decent livelihood with dignity is an important component of ensuring the welfare of children. Increased incomes directly translate to better nutrition, health, educational attainment and future prospects for children. To this end CASP has been implementing numerous programs for ensuring livelihoods for people in the communities where we work.
Few of our projects are: Vocational training programs on
- Computer
- Basic tailoring
- Advance tailoring
- Beautician
- Cooking skills
- Supporting SHG’s and marketing the products made by them